If you long time playing games on a desktop or notebook and then bought Xbox, you will be asked if you can play games on Xbox with your favorite keyboards and mouse. This question is very often asked because playing games on the controller for the first time will be unusual and uncomfortable.
If you want to do a hard reset of your Xbox 360
Xbox keyboard and mouse – supported.
But your happiness is not long because some games do not offer keyboard and mouse functionality, a vast majority of the games on the Xbox One don’t support it. In some games, you may have bans if you’re caught using a mouse and keyboard during multiplayer modes.
But if the game supports mice and keyboards there are not many USB ports so you will need the USB Hub, especially if your device is wireless.

But if you look at the official Xbox site: Xbox supports the use of a mouse and keyboard in some games and apps, but it doesn’t work for all content. The game or app publisher must enable this feature for their content. So check your games to see if they offer mouse and keyboard input.
To set up your mouse:
- Press the Xbox button x on your controller to open the guide.
- Select Profiles & System > Settings > Devices & connections.
- Select Mouse. You’ll see options for pointer speed and for swapping primary and secondary mouse buttons.

Keyboard combination

Maybe you will find usefully this Video on YouTube
thanks for assistaoce