The original Razer game phone debuted in early November 2017. The device received a Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processor, a 5.72-inch screen with QHD resolution (2560 × 1440 dots) and 120 Hz refresh rate, as well as a dual rear camera with 12-MP sensors. In October 2018, the Razer Phone 2 was … [Read more…] about Factory reset Razer phone
How to reset the Razer Kishi game controller
Your games are always with you if you own a Razer Kishi game controller, no matter where life takes you—introducing the first universal mobile gaming controller designed to be used on smartphones a sleek design that fits most devices so there's never been a better time than now to bring your … [Read more…] about How to reset the Razer Kishi game controller