Secret codes are usually meant as a combination of numbers, asterisks, and bars, and can be used to obtain information about the use of the iPhone. It is possible to obtain data about the personal code of a smartphone. This does not require a connection to the operator.
Some commands require you to press the call button after entering a secret code. They provide information about calls, outgoing and incoming calls, call forwarding, etc. And you don’t have to call the operator in this situation. There is no iPhone reset code number to reset your device. If you want to reset it you can find info on how to reset your iPhone.
Here we find a list of some popular codes for iPhone:
*#06# — displays the iPhone ID number (IMEI code)
*3001#12345# + call – show data about the SIM card, the level of the signal quality, etc.
*#21# — Information about call forwarding, SMS messages, and other data
*#67# — Use the Call forwarding code of the iPhone
*#62# — show the number to which the call forwarding is set in case of being out of network coverage or when the iPhone is turned off.
##002# — call forwarding is OFF.
*#33# – call blocking status
*33# — this command enables call blocking.
#33# — all call blocking is off.
*#43# Code for call waiting for information.
*43# Turns call waiting on.
#43# Turns call waiting off.
*3282# — General Information about iPhone
*3370# — improves signal quality, but the battery life of the smartphone is reduced.
#3370# — this command disables the last one
*#61# — Check the number of missed calls.
*#5005*7672# — Check the SMS Center number of your operator.
*777# — checking account balance
*331* — bans outgoing calls abroad
*#31# — Hide Your mobile number
*646# – Display your Postpaid available minutes
*225# — Check your current Postpaid bill balance
*#76# — Check connecting line presentation
iPhone battery reset code — there is no code to reset the battery
If you look for a master code to unlock or reset your iPhone — we must say bad news for you. There is no master passcode for any Apple device at all. To reset the passcode on your iPhone you will need to remember your iCloud account and make a restore. If your iPhone has a warranty the best way to do this is to visit Apple Shop. You need to make a backup and will never have problems with a passcode, fingerprint, or face id.
If you know any else iPhone secret code please write it in the comments.
If you have an Android phone you also will be interested to read Android Secret Code
thank you very much
I cloud blocked remove
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Brilliant. Got my voicemail back.